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Turn Off Facebook’s Autoplay Video Feature

Jul 15, 2014
‎ |‎ Axxys Technologies

If you use Facebook, you know what autoplay videos are. They are the pesky videos that automatically play whenever they appear in your browser window on your PC, tablet and smartphone. Thankfully, they don’t play sound unless you click on them, but they play regardless. And they use up data, especially if it is an HD video.

This is, of course, a serious issue on mobile devices where 3G/4G data allowances are generally low and expensive. In the workplace, a great majority of workers get around Facebook use issues by using their phones and tablets, and most of those do so by using the company WiFi which means that those autoplay videos are also impeding office bandwidth. Autoplay can now be disabled completely on desktop web browsers, and on mobile devices.

To do so with Apple devices, you go to Settings > Facebook > Settings > Auto-play  —  and set the feature to Off:

photo 3           photo 2

On Android, go into the Facebook app itself and select App Settings, then Auto-play on Off.

This will stop the autoplay of videos so you aren’t chewing through your data plans, or contributing to the WiFi bottlenecks at the office.

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