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5 Mobile Productivity Apps

5 Mobile Productivity Apps

It’s a new year and with it, many people, business owners included, are undoubtedly setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead. When it comes to businesses, many business owners set a resolution to become more productive, something which isn’t always easy....

SkyDrive vs. SkyDrive Pro

SkyDrive vs. SkyDrive Pro

Microsoft SharePoint is a program that provides users with essentially a Web-based infrastructure that allows companies to provide operations like portals, file management, collaboration, social networks, and so much more. Those who subscribe to Office 365 or...

Your Password May Not Be Secure

Your Password May Not Be Secure

As the number of Internet users and systems we use rises, we continue to see a subsequent increase in security breaches and other cybersecurity concerns. Many companies make an effort to minimize the chances of these risks by implementing antivirus scanners and more....

Medical Device Connectivity Market to Boom

Medical Device Connectivity Market to Boom

The global market for medical device connectivity is projected to top USD$33 billion by 2019, up significantly from USD$3.5 billion in 2013 – and this could have major implications for healthcare providers. An increase in medical conditions such as high blood...

Using the Calendar in iOS 7

Using the Calendar in iOS 7

When Apple released iOS 7 – the newest version of their popular mobile operating system – users responded with mixed reactions. However, now that it has been out for a while users have gotten used to it and the new features introduced. While the changes brought about...

Safety Is An Active Verb

When we were young, we were taught to brush our teeth to develop healthy and preventative habits. Hopefully, by the time we reach adulthood, the act of brushing every morning has become second nature. Yet, when we go online, we don’t always take the same preventative...