Some people we encounter seem to raise an eyebrow when we mention the words, “professional services.” Now that we think about it, “professional services” are a bit vague. After all, most people in the workforce feel as though they have some kind of “professional service” to offer.
For those of you who are still scratching their heads, no worries. This may help to clarify what we mean when we talk about our “professional services”:
We Do Not Provide Professional Catering Services
While we all like a good meal – and it sounds like an exciting life – Axxys does not offer professional cooking services to anyone. Now, all that being said, if any of our clients happen to be reading this – current or potential – and you DO happen to offer professional catering services and would like to show us some appreciation by letting us sample your wares, you certainly won’t get too many complaints from us!
Nor Do We Offer Professional “Silencing” Services
Yes, each of our employees consider themselves a “professional.” Unfortunately, that title can also mean someone who professionally . . . “takes care” . . . of others for a price. We can say with the utmost confidence that no one at Axxys engages in anything of the sort. That is, unless you count us “taking care” of a few viruses trying to worm their way into our clients’ networks.
Finally, We Shy From Professional Acting Services
“To IT . . . or NOT to IT!” That is definitely NOT the question. If you were to come to us seeking the next big film star, we’d have to share our acting experience. It roughly equates to playing “The Onion” in our 2nd grade performance of “The Four Basic Food Groups.” But if you’re in the film industry and looking for your next big IT support star, get our trailer ready! We’re your company!
However, Axxys IS Great at IT Professional Services
Vague though it may be, professional services is something we’re good at doing. We’ve been offering hardware, software, and workflow solutions for years to companies just like yours. Give us a call and we’ll discuss how our professional services can make YOU more professional.