The Tempo of Cybersecurity

The Tempo of Cybersecurity

You are probably thinking to yourself, “Oh great, another cybersecurity article”. I feel the same way sometimes, that I’ve become numb to the statistics, and I just want to go back to a time when we didn’t have to consider unscrupulous threat actors trying to take...
What is and why you need a SIEM/SOC

What is and why you need a SIEM/SOC

Everyday, countless businesses are targeted for attack by malicious hackers. It’s no longer a matter of if. This was highlighted by an experiment run by Sophos, a data security company. Sophos sought to identify how quickly attackers would be able to identify a...
The Modern Digital Warzone

The Modern Digital Warzone

Cybersecurity often shares many comparisons to military and borrows many concepts and terminology from the forces. For example, the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain is borrowed from a military concept related to the structure of an attack consisting of target...