Computers: Is Consumer Grade Enough For Your Business?

Sure, it’s enticing. You’ll save money right now if you run out to your local big box store or hop online and purchase that computer or that combo firewall/wireless router that’s on sale. But is that money saved really worthwhile for your business in the...

IT Security Policy: A Must Have

I know we all feel that we do our best when it comes to securing both the physical and tangible assets of our businesses. Most companies feel that by simply locking doors, controlling who has keys and alarm codes, changing passwords, and engaging in other basic...

The Power of Choice: Why I Choose HP

People always ask me what I do for a living, and the simple quick answer is “I work on computers”. But I’ve found over the years that it is a lot more than that. I get to help people with a part of their daily lives that is often full of challenge...