Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

by Nathan Adair, Senior Account Executive, Axxys Technologies Three weeks working strictly on a tablet, no desktop or laptop, just the HP ElitePad…seriously! First, let me say that I don’t own an iPad and I never have. I’m not against them, I just don’t really...

Spam, Spam, Go Away

Spam. In some ways, it’s the electronic equivalent of junk mail and home telemarketer phone calls. Spam is not only an unsolicited and annoying nuisance, it’s also a pervasive problem that’s clogging and overwhelming the Internet’s email...

New Features in Internet Explorer 10

If you’re using an older version of Internet Explorer (IE), you’ll be happy to know that the latest version, Internet Explorer 10, will soon be available in the market. You can get Internet Explorer 10 either by upgrading to Windows 8 or by downloading it from...
7 Ways to make your PC last longer

7 Ways to make your PC last longer

A primary concern for most business owners is how to get the most bang for your buck. When you’re purchasing expensive technology, this becomes an even more valid point of consideration. Buying computers is one of the larger investments you have to make in order to...