Virtualization 101

Virtualization 101

Productivity and cost-efficiency are two key factors of a successful business. However, these factors can be compromised due to financial issues brought about by using traditional in-house server models. One option at your disposal that could help you realize better...
Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

by Nathan Adair, Senior Account Executive, Axxys Technologies Three weeks working strictly on a tablet, no desktop or laptop, just the HP ElitePad…seriously! First, let me say that I don’t own an iPad and I never have. I’m not against them, I just don’t really...

Point Proven on the Dallas Dart Rail

by Blake Britton, VP, Axxys Technologies On that rare occasion that I take a day off from work, my family and I decided to take the Dart Rail into Dallas for my oldest daughter’s volleyball tournament at the Dallas Convention Center. It’s amazing all the technology...