Boost Your Internet Connection

Boost Your Internet Connection

For most businesses, Internet connections have gotten a whole lot faster over the past decade. Still, some businesses today are faced with the continuous problem of a slow Internet connection, which often leads to a decrease in productivity and efficiency. If this...
5 Mobile Productivity Apps

5 Mobile Productivity Apps

It’s a new year and with it, many people, business owners included, are undoubtedly setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead. When it comes to businesses, many business owners set a resolution to become more productive, something which isn’t always easy....
Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

Goodbye Laptop Guy, Hello Mobile Man

by Nathan Adair, Senior Account Executive, Axxys Technologies Three weeks working strictly on a tablet, no desktop or laptop, just the HP ElitePad…seriously! First, let me say that I don’t own an iPad and I never have. I’m not against them, I just don’t really...

The ElitePad is the Balance

A few of years ago I wrote about the introduction to the iPad to my business and personal life. There were several apps I used that helped me be more productive when away from the office.  These apps mainly consisted of email, a calendar, and a remote desktop app that...