Mobile Data Management for iPhone Users

Smartphones, like the Apple iPhone, rely on several factors to make them ‘smart’. One of the most important is a data or Internet connection. Most iPhone users have a mobile plan with data, allowing them to access the Internet from anywhere. However, many providers...

Spam, Spam, Go Away

Spam. In some ways, it’s the electronic equivalent of junk mail and home telemarketer phone calls. Spam is not only an unsolicited and annoying nuisance, it’s also a pervasive problem that’s clogging and overwhelming the Internet’s email...

Point Proven on the Dallas Dart Rail

by Blake Britton, VP, Axxys Technologies On that rare occasion that I take a day off from work, my family and I decided to take the Dart Rail into Dallas for my oldest daughter’s volleyball tournament at the Dallas Convention Center. It’s amazing all the technology...

Writing Better Business Emails

The way you use language can say a lot about you, especially in the online world, where your words are often all you have to make a lasting impression. Here are some tried-and-true tips to keep in mind when crafting business emails that will definitely help improve...

Office 2013: Here’s what’s new

The new Office is a cloud subscription that provides virtually anywhere access to your familiar Office applications plus business-grade email, calendar, and video conferencing across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets. Here’s what’s new: Devices:...