The ElitePad is the Balance

A few of years ago I wrote about the introduction to the iPad to my business and personal life. There were several apps I used that helped me be more productive when away from the office.  These apps mainly consisted of email, a calendar, and a remote desktop app that...

Point Proven on the Dallas Dart Rail

by Blake Britton, VP, Axxys Technologies On that rare occasion that I take a day off from work, my family and I decided to take the Dart Rail into Dallas for my oldest daughter’s volleyball tournament at the Dallas Convention Center. It’s amazing all the technology...

Secure Your Online Information

A huge portion of our daily lives is now spent online. We are usually connected at work and when we go home will probably sit in front of the TV while browsing on our phones or laptops. Pause for a minute and think about all the different websites you have accounts...

Office 2013: Here’s what’s new

The new Office is a cloud subscription that provides virtually anywhere access to your familiar Office applications plus business-grade email, calendar, and video conferencing across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets. Here’s what’s new: Devices:...